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GMS FLUENCY - Glossika Mass Sentences: Swedish Fluency 2
Michael Campbell, Markus BruusLearning a language is like exercising, you must commit to independent and persistent training to attain a level of fluent proficiency.
On the other hand, learning in the mind of a spectator might allow you to gain some knowledge, but never enable the development of true skills.
Through daily listening practice and organized drill routine,experience a clear improvement as little as 4 weeks with Glossika training!
Glossika audio files include "intensive" and "casual" formats.
• GMS (Glossika Mass Sentence): Designed for learners with ample time in their daily schedule.
• GSR (Glossika Spaced Repetition): Designed for learners with limited time to learn in their busy daily schedule. Every audio file contains new & learned sentences, ideal for in-between times throughout the day. Learn & review while you commute or take a walk.
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