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Glossika Mass Sentences: Swedish Fluency 1
Michael Campbell, Markus BruusBilingual Sentences
Language Introduction
Pronunciation Guide
Detailed Phonics
Glossika’s audiovisual method helps you master comprehension and achieve fluency. Great on its own, or the perfect companion to your ongoing studies.
Content & Schedule
3 books — 3000 sentences — 10 months of content (on suggested schedule of 20 min/day). 120+ hours Spaced Repetition Audio Training by native speaker.
Master the Material
Gradual progression from A1 to B2 Level (CEFR). Master 4000+ words and how to use them in the real world using collocation drills.
Science-Based Tools
IPA phonics shows you exactly what you’re hearing, so you can say it right, right from the start. Glossika brings together the latest in language acquisition research in the fields of comprehensible input, memory, psychology, phonetics and linguistics.
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