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The Early Hallstatt Period (1200-700 B.C.) in South-Eastern...

The Early Hallstatt Period (1200-700 B.C.) in South-Eastern Europe

Ciugudean H., Boroffka N. (eds.)
Proceedings of the International Symposium from Alba Iulia (10-12 June, 1993). — Alba Iulia: Muzeul National al Unirii Alba Iulia, 1994. — 256 pp. — (Bibliotheca Musei Apulensis 1).Between 10-12 June 1993, the National Museum of Unity from Alba Iulia organised the international symposium dedicated to the Early Hallstatt Period in South-Eastern Europe. This scientifical meeting, which was the first one of this kind in the activity of the museum, gathered around 30 scholars, coming from Germany, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania.Vasile Moga. Preface/Vorwort/Preface.
Nikolaus Boroffka (Berlin). Probleme der jungbronzezeitlichen Keramik in Ostungam und Westrumanien.
Horia Ciugudean (Alba Iulia). The Hallstatt A Period in Central Transylvania.
Janez Dular (Ljubljana). Befestigte prahistorische Siedlungen in Slowenien.
Staso Forenbaher (Zagreb). The “Belegis II” group in eastern Slavonia.
Vaclav Furmanek (Nitra). Grabkonstruktionen der Kyjatice-Kultur.
Diana Gergova (Sofia). The treasure from Vulchitrun and the amber route in the Balkans.
Florin Gogaltan, Adrian Ursutiu (Cluj-Napoca). The settlement of Basarabi type from Iemut, hamlet Sfantu Gheorghe.
Alexey M. Gotzev (Sofia). Decoration of the Early Iron Age pottery from south-east Bulgaria.
Milos Jevtic (Beograd). Stamped pottery of Insula Banului type and the beginnings of the Basarabi culture in Serbia.
Petar Popovic (Beograd). Basarabi - Balta Verde - Vajuga Pesak.
Petru Rogozea (Timisoara). New archaeological finds in the cave from Romanesti; Timis county.
Mircea Rusu (Cluj-Napoca). Chars de combat hallstattiens chez les Thraces nord-danubiens.
Tatiana Salganova (Sofia). Das Auftreten der kannelierten Keramik und der Ubergang von der Spatbronzezeit zur friihen Eisenzeit in Nordwestbulgarien.
Jasna Simic (Osijek). Early Hallstatt horizon in north-eastern Slavonia.
Milorad Stojic (Jagodina). Le bassin de la Morava entre 1200 et 700 avant J.C.
Valentin Vasiliev (Cluj-Napoca). A propos du commencement du Premier Age du Fer dans l'aire intracarpatique de Roumanie.
Stefan Winghart (Munchen). Sfidbayem und der Donauraum. Aspekte zum Thema der spatbronze- und friihumenfelderzeitlichen Hohen- siedlungen entlang der Donau.
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